Star wars battlefront 2 millenium falcon
Star wars battlefront 2 millenium falcon

star wars battlefront 2 millenium falcon

Quick and heavily armed, the TIE Interceptor closes with an enemy in the blink of an eye to take down bombers, and tie up enemy fighters. Imperial Symbol across the galaxy, The TIE fighter is a fast, deadly, and omnipresent reminder of the Empire’s might.

star wars battlefront 2 millenium falcon

Slow but heavily armed, Rebel Y-wings utilize torpedoes, blasters, and an ion-cannon turret to attack from every direction. Quick and deadly A-wings are peerless escorts and hunters, getting in, firing, and speeding away, leaving only enemy wreckage behind. The iconic T-65B X-wing can do it all: engage interceptors, take down TIE fighters, interdict bombers, and assault capital ships. Speedy and packing a punch, Tallie Lintra’s RZ-2 A-wing is a Resistance beacon. KYLO REN'S TIE SILENCERįast and deadly, Kylo Ren's TIE silencer is among the most dangerous spacecraft ever built. Its presence inspires terror in enemies of the Empire. The distinctive experimental TIE Advanced x1 is Vader's unique personal spacecraft. Luke is just as dangerous behind the controls of his X-wing as he is with his lightsaber. POE DAMERON'S BLACK ONEįrom the pilot's seat of his custom X-wing, Black One, Poe Dameron leads his squadmates and helps them get a jump on the opposition. Its cloaking drive allows him to vanish from sight and launch surprise attacks. DARTH MAUL'S SCIMITARįew craft inspire the terror like Darth Maul's Scimitar. BOBA FETT'S SLAVE Iīoba Fett's Slave 1 iconic ship mounts powerful blasters and disrupts enemies with explosive Seismic Charges. Her speed is only matched by her punch, overcharged weapons systems, and concussion missiles.

Star wars battlefront 2 millenium falcon